

1. Face White Window after 100% Loading

Solution : Clear Cache of your web browser, then press Shift + F5 to reload the web page.

2. Login with wrong wallet and want to change

Solution : Use this URL to re-log in with the right one

3. Message pop up telling you to change Network (or stuck with Black Window)

Solution : Change your Network on Metamask to be Bitkub Chain (see how to connect to Bitkub chain in How to play)

How to Play

4. Log in successfully but stuck at loading page

Solution : Pleas recheck that the wallet is correct

In case you still got the same problem, please press F12 > click red cross to view error message and capture this screen to customer support team.

5. PC with High Spec, but lag or stuck during the game.

Solution : For GPU user on some device, please turn on the GPU tuning on Google Chrome first by:

Google Chrome > Menu > Setting > Advance Option > System > Use hardware acceleration when available. Then restart your Google Chrome.

6. Unable to Buy Stem and LUMI

Please check that your wallet left with KUB and KKUB

How to Convert USDT to KUSDT

7. Validation Failure after Entering Wild Zone, item earn in Wild Zone will disappear after restart the game.

Solution : Clear Cache of the web browser and press Shift + F5 to reload the web page. If the same problem still occur, please contact our support team.

8. The message show " Run out of Free-Gas-Fee Quota" for Bitkub NEXT user.

Solution : You complete the transaction up to 200 times. You cannot do more transactions in game.

For more details, read the Gas Fee Policy.

Free Gas Fee Quota

9. Encounter the window show "Unhandle Error, or Cannot Enter Farm"

Solution : Clear Cache of the web browser and press Shift + F5 to reload the web page. If the same problem still occur, please contact our support team.

10. Cannot access the game with Mobile phone or Tablet

Solution : In Early Access version, the game is not fully support all devices. Please use PC and Google Chrome to avoid more problems.

Last updated